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Ian McKinnon

Director, Forensic & Litigation


Email Ian (07) 5555 6300 Gold Coast

  • Chartered Accountant Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ)
  • Accredited Forensic Accounting Specialist (CA ANZ)
  • Accredited Business Valuation Specialist (CA ANZ)
  • Bachelor of Accounting (University of Canberra)
  • Certificate IV in Investigations (Charles Stuart University)
  • Diploma in Law (BAB)
  • Authorised Representative, Vincents Financial Advisory, ABN 40 010 855 991, AFS Licence No 236608

  • Chartered Accountant Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ) – Associate
  • Law Society of New South Wales – Member
  • Queensland Law Society – Member
  • CA ANZ, Forensic Accounting Special Interest Group (FASIG) – Subscriber
  • CA ANZ, Business Valuation Special Interest Group (BVSIG) – Subscriber
  • Fellow – CPA Australia
  • Convener – CPA Australia QLD Forensic Group
  • Solicitor – Supreme Court of Queensland
  • Barrister – Supreme Court of NSW
  • President – Kurrawa Surf Life Saving Club Inc.
  • Vice President – Kurrawa Surf Life Saving Supporters Club Inc.


Ian works in the area of forensic accounting and litigation support, with a particular focus in the areas of financial crime, commercial litigation, valuations and financial assessments.

Ian has provided forensic accounting support in the following areas:

  • Conducting financial crime investigations
  • Providing expert evidence on behalf of defendants charged with a financial crime or subject to a proceed of crime order
  • Acting as expert in commercial litigation, due diligence and financial assessment services.


Ian joined Vincents in 2002. In addition to being a Chartered Accountant, Ian has been admitted as a solicitor with the Supreme Court of Queensland and as a Barrister with the New South Wales Supreme Court.

Previously Ian has worked as a lawyer, company secretary and public accountant.

Ian has published articles, presented professional papers and provided training on a wide variety of forensic and litigation support topics. His audience has included: Federal and State Government departments including the Australian Federal Police, Crime and Misconduct Commission (Qld), Department of Immigration, Department of Education, and Workplace Relations. He has lectured at the Queensland Police Service Detective Training Economic Crime Course, the Institute of Chartered Accountants Professional Year Program and lectures at the Queensland University of Technology and the Queensland and New South Wales Law Societies.

Insights from Ian


What do Forensic Accountants do during matrimonial litigation?


What is Forensic Accounting?


Calculating the “value of the benefit”