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Victor Uson

Director, Audit & Assurance


Email Victor (07) 3228 4246 Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sunshine Coast, Sydney

  • Registered Company Auditor (ASIC)
  • Registered Auditor (Registered Organisations Commission - ROC)
  • Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA Australia)
  • Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)
  • Bachelor of Science (Accountancy)

  • CPA Australia
  • Institute of Internal Auditors
  • Institute of Public Accountants


Victor has over 20 years of experience in the assurance and finance professions from a diverse range of sectors, including construction, property development, mining, oil and gas, fast-moving consumer goods, education, food and beverage, automotive, not-for-profit, agriculture, and government.

Prior to joining Audit & Assurance, he gained valuable financial statement audit and other assurance experiences from his role at the Queensland Audit Office, PwC, Ernst & Young, Deutsche Bank, NSW Audit Office, and Crowe Horwath.

Victor’s experience encompasses financial statement assurance engagements, US SOX compliance, agreed-upon procedure engagements, and other compliance engagements.


Victor is a Director in our Audit & Assurance division. He is an experienced assurance and finance professional who collaborates with clients to resolve accounting and finance issues that are critical to achieving their business objectives.

Insights from Victor


Preparing for a financial statement audit


Maintaining accounting internal controls in a remote working environment


Role of directors in financial reporting


Assurance in the ‘New Normal’ – Cyber Security.