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Technology strategy and planning involves defining a long-term vision for how technology will support and drive an organisation’s goals. It includes assessing current technology, identifying future needs, and developing a roadmap to align technology investments with business objectives.

Our experts develop, evaluate, and execute our clients’ technology strategies, meticulously assessing and integrating associated policies and procedures to ensure seamless alignment with their overarching vision, mission, strategic goals, and regulatory mandates. This strategic process ensures that technology investments support business growth, enhance operational efficiency, foster innovation, and maintain a competitive advantage in an evolving market landscape.

We collaborate with key stakeholders to define and prioritise information technology objectives in line with business goals. We conduct assessments, SWOT analyses, and industry benchmarking to inform the strategic planning process.

We create information technology roadmaps for clients, outlining the steps and milestones required to achieve the  defined technology strategy. This includes identifying technology investments, implementation timelines, and resource requirements.

We assist clients in establishing governance structures, processes, and controls to ensure effective decision-making, accountability, and alignment with strategic objectives, regulations, risks management and resource optimisation.

We define policies, procedures, and controls, as well as establish decision-making structures to oversee technology investments, projects, and operations.

We develop holistic information technology architecture blueprints for clients, that align with business capabilities, supporting future growth and scalability. We define standards, guidelines, and principles for information technology architecture design, including infrastructure, applications, data and security.

We implement information technology service management frameworks such as ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) for clients to improve service delivery, optimise information technology processes, and enhance customer satisfaction. We assist in service catalogue development, incident management, change management, and service level agreement (SLA) definition.

We assist clients in managing relationships with technology vendors and service providers to optimise costs, mitigate risks, and maximise value. We manage vendor selection, contract negotiation, performance monitoring, and vendor governance.

We support clients in managing the people side of change associated with information technology strategy implementation. We assist with developing change management plans, stakeholder engagement strategies, and training programs to facilitate adoption.

We assist clients in establishing metrics, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), and dashboards to monitor the effectiveness of information technology strategy execution and drive continuous improvement. This includes conducting regular performance reviews, identifying areas for optimisation, and adjusting strategies as needed.

We assist clients in rationalising and optimising the information technology portfolio to align with business priorities, mitigate risk, and maximise ROI (Return on Investment). This involves assessing the value, cost, and risk of information technology investments, prioritising projects, and reallocating resources for maximum impact.

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