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Ann-Marie Ingeri

Associate Director, Governance, Risk & Controls Advisory


Email Ann-Marie (07) 3248 4429 Brisbane, Canberra

  • Bachelor of Business Management and International Business

  • Associate Member, Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
  • Affiliate Member, Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)


Ann-Marie is an Associate Director at Vincents with 23 years of experience, specialising in governance, internal controls, risk management, and environmental social governance (ESG) across various sectors.

Driven by a passion for environmental and climate change issues, Ann-Marie assists organisations in their ESG journey. She believes that environmental, social, and governance factors are integral to an organisation’s strategy and operations, encompassing a range of risks and opportunities that affect the organisation’s long-term value creation and protection. Her expertise lies in identifying these factors and aiding organisations to integrate them into a comprehensive ESG strategy, thereby laying a foundation for the expansion of their ESG initiatives.

Her primary services include:

– Materiality Assessments
– ESG Strategy Development
– ESG Governance Framework
– ESG Reporting
– ESG Sustainability Assurance
– ESG Gap Assessment


Throughout her career, Ann-Marie has gained experience through developing and delivering assurance, risk management and consulting programs across diverse industries, which provided her with an adaptable and well-rounded set of skills and experience. Ann-Marie has worked with local, state, federal, not for profit and private organisations. Notably, Ann-Marie has worked extensively in the Health Sector, gaining comprehensive knowledge of corporate and clinical functions, and has successfully led and conducted several specialised reviews.


Insights from Ann-Marie


What is ESG?


Mandatory Climate-Related Financial Disclosures


Climate Reporting: Not just for large Corporations