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Steven Staatz 

Director, Restructuring & Recovery


Email Steven (07) 3228 4000 Brisbane, Canberra, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sunshine Coast, Sydney

  • Post Graduate Diploma, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ)
  • Post Graduate Diploma, Advanced Insolvency Law & Practice (University of Southern Queensland)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (University of Queensland)
  • Bachelor of Laws (University of Queensland)
  • Certified Credit Executive (AICM)

  • Australian Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Association (ARITA)
  • Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ)
  • INSOL International
  • Australian Institute of Credit Management (AICM)


Steven has extensive experience in liquidations (voluntary and involuntary), administrations (voluntary and receivership administrations) and has administered numerous personal bankruptcies.

Steven also provides expert turnaround, reconstruction and corporate recovery services.

Steven has experience across a broad range of industries including building and construction, retail, property / real estate, film & television, professional services, transport, hospitality, leisure, managed investment schemes and manufacturing.


Steven was appointed Director, Insolvency & Reconstruction at Vincents in 2013.

Steven is an expert insolvency practitioner with over 22 years’ experience in liquidations, administrations and personal bankruptcies in Australia and overseas.

Insights from Steven


Small Business Restructuring Hits New Highs


Case Study: Overcoming Financial Challenges in the Concreting Industry with Small Business Restructuring (SBR)


Case Study: Overcoming Cashflow Struggles Through Strategic Restructuring


Government support for small businesses, primary producers and not-for-profits affected by severe SEQ storms


Small Business Restructure – Basic Considerations